“The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.“
1 Timothy 3:1
Independent Lutheran Seminary

Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum
A free education
The ILD provides free online education to equip and ordain men for the Pastoral Office. We help our seminarians discover the riches of the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, so that they may preach the fullness of God’s Word, rightly upholding Law and Gospel.
It is our joy in the Lord to welcome:
- All Christians who wish to learn sound Biblical theology — a theology that is Christ-focused.
- Faithful Orthodox, Confessional Lutherans who seek ordination.
- Those who have been discouraged by the costs of seminary degrees, and regrettably the politics sometimes associated with ordination.
- Men who aspire to the Pastoral Office later in life, but who are unable to relocate due to their career, family, and other responsibilities.
- Those who live in areas of the world where there are no Orthodox Lutheran churches, and who sincerely wish to help build the church.
- All who are serious and devoted, and not looking for a quick, no-questions-asked ordination.
Should you wish to know more about our diocese or our seminary, please feel free to contact us. We’d be glad to help!
- Master of Theological Studies (MTS) In Orthodox Lutheran Theology
- Master of Theology (MTh) In Homiletical Theology
- Master of Ministry (MMin) In Pastoral Theology
Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide
Nearly all of the books required in our seminary are provided for free. Our seminarians will be able to read classic Lutheran works by Gerberding, Hutter, Spener, Arndt, Neve, Krauth, Weidner, Engelder, Reu, and Walther.
Seminarians will learn about Church History, and particularly about the Reformation, as well as the importance of purity of life and doctrine, and the great comfort we receive from the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.